Types of Controls in the Ribbon Sharepoint 2010

The Server ribbon contains many types of controls. These can include simple controls, such as check boxes, buttons, and combo boxes. The controls can also be more advanced, such as a split button or fly-out anchor. The following controls are available in the ribbon.

Control Type

Button - A simple button used to perform an action.

Checkbox - A check box used to select an option.

Color Picker - A grid used to select a color or style.

Combo Box - A list used to select a value by clicking or typing.

Drop Down - A list used to select a value by clicking.

Flyout Anchor - A button with a down arrow used to open a menu.

Insert Table - A 10-by-10 grid used to specify the dimensions of a table.

Label - A line of text used to provide information.

Menu - A container used to show pop-up menus.

Menu Section - A section used to divide a menu. A menu section can have a title and contain controls.

MRU Split Button - A button used to execute a recently used menu action. This control uses the last action chosen from its submenu as the button action.

Spinner - A control used to insert a value by typing or using the arrow keys to cycle through the values.

Split Button - A control used as both a button and a menu.

Text Box - A control used to enter text.

Toggle Button - A button used to toggle between an on and off state.


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