Move items from one listbox to other using javascript

Some Javascript code snippet that i wanted to Share..

To move items from one listbox to the other - I am using three methods here.

One for adding the selected Products from listbox1 to listbox2 and then calling a AddProdInHiddenField method for adding listbox2's selected items in a hidden field.

Second method will remove the selected items from listbox2 and will add them back in listbox1 and again I call the AddProdInHiddenField method to save newly values for the listbox2 in a hidden field.

Third method is just for saving listbox2's values in a hidden field. This way you will always have updated selected items in your hidden fields.

//Works on ">>" button between the listboxes

function AddProducts()

var Source = document.getElementById('<%=lbxProducts1.ClientID%>');

var Target = document.getElementById('<%=lbxProducts2.ClientID%>');

if ((Source != null) && (Target != null))
while ( Source.options.selectedIndex >= 0 )
var newOption = new Option(); // Create a new instance of ListItem
newOption.text = Source.options[Source.options.selectedIndex].text;
newOption.value = Source.options[Source.options.selectedIndex].value;

//Append the item in Target
Target.options[Target.length] = newOption;

//Remove item from listbox1

// Adding the listbox2 values in hidden field
return false;

function RemoveProducts()
var Source = document.getElementById('<%=lbxProducts1.ClientID%>');

var Target = document.getElementById('<%=lbxProducts2.ClientID%>');

if (Target != null)
while (Target.options.selectedIndex >= 0 )
// Create a new instance of ListItem
var newOption = new Option();
newOption.text = Target.options[Target.options.selectedIndex].text;

newOption.value= Target.options[Target.options.selectedIndex].value;

Source.options[Source.length] = newOption;

return false;

function AddProdInHiddenField()
var list = document.getElementById('<%=lbxProducts2.ClientID%>');

var hdnField = document.getElementById('hdnField');
hdnField.value = "";
for(var i = 0; i < list.options.length; ++i)

hdnField.value += list.options[i].value + ",";


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