SharePoint 2010 Web Services

Following is the list of SharePoint 2010 Web services that you can use for remote SharePoint development.

Web Services

WebSvcAdmin :Provides methods for managing a deployment of SharePoint Foundation, such as for creating or deleting sites.

WebSvcAlerts : Provides methods for working with alerts for list items in a SharePoint Foundation site.

WebSvcAuthentication : Provides classes for logging on to a SharePoint Foundation site that is using forms-based authentication.

WebSvcCellStorage :
Enables client computers to synchronize changes made to shared files that are stored on a server.

WebSvcCopy : Provides methods for copying items between locations in SharePoint Foundation.

WebSvcdiagnostics :
Enables client computers to submit diagnostic reports that describe application errors that occur on the client.

WebSvcDspSts : Provides a method for performing queries against lists in SharePoint Foundation.

WebSvcDWS : Provides methods for managing Document Workspace sites and the data they contain.

WebSvcForms : Provides methods for returning forms used in the user interface when working with the contents of a list.

WebSvcImaging : Provides methods that enable you to create and manage picture libraries.

WebSvcLists :
Provides methods for working with lists and list data.

WebSvcMeetings :
Provides methods that enable you to create and manage Meeting Workspace sites.

WebSvcPeople :
Provides methods for working with security groups.

WebSvcPermissions : Provides methods for working with the permissions for a site or list.

WebSvcSharedAccess :
Provides a method that determines whether a document is being coauthored.

WebSvcsharepointemailws : Provides methods for remotely managing distribution groups.

WebSvcSiteData : Provides methods that return metadata or list data from sites or lists in SharePoint Foundation.

WebSvcsites : Provides methods for working with Web sites.

WebSvcspsearch : Provides methods for remotely performing searches within a SharePoint Foundation deployment.

WebSvcUserGroup : Provides methods for working with users and groups.

WebSvcVersions : Provides methods for managing file versions.

WebSvcviews : Provides methods for working with list views.

WebSvcwebpartpages : Provides methods to send and retrieve Web Part information to and from Web services.

WebSvcWebs : Provides methods for working with Web sites and content types.

[OrganizationProfileService Web service] :
Provides an interface for remote clients to read and create organization profiles.

[BiAuthoring Web service] :
Represents the Web service used by PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to create, modify, or delete dashboard objects; retrieve dashboard content; and retrieve data from data sources.

[BiRendering Web service] : Represents the Web service used by PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint Server 2010 to render dashboard objects in the browser.

[PublishedLinksService Web service] :
Provides a published links interface for remote clients to read and create published links.

[Search Web service] :
Provides methods that can be used to remotely query SharePoint search.

[SocialDataService Web service] :
Provides an interface for remote clients to read, create, and manipulate social data.

[UserProfileChangeService Web service] : Provides a user profile interface for remote clients to read and create user profiles.

[UserProfileService Web service] :
Provides a user profile interface for remote clients to read and create user profiles.

The following services are reserved for internal use of SharePoint Server:











  1. Hi,Many e-business websites fail and then goes on to provide a structured approach and methodology in Web Design Cochin that can help improve the chances of success. It provides a toolkit of techniques that can be adopted and tailored to design easy-to-use websites,Thanks........



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