Browser Support in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint Server 2010 supports several Web browsers that are commonly used. However, certain browsers might cause some SharePoint Server 2010 functionality to be downgraded, limited, or available only through alternative steps. In some cases, functionality might be unavailable for noncritical administrative tasks.

Web browser support is divided into two levels: level 1 and level 2. Although administrative tasks on SharePoint sites are optimized for level 1 browsers, SharePoint Server 2010 also provides support for other browsers that are frequently used. To ensure that you have complete access to all functionality, we recommend that you use a level 1 browser for administrative tasks.

Level 1 Web browsers

Level 1 Web browsers take advantage of advanced features that are provided by ActiveX controls and provide the most complete user experience. Level 1 browsers offer full functionality on all SharePoint sites, including the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. Level 1 browsers include those in the following table.

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 : Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8 (32-bit), Mozilla Firefox 3.5

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 : Internet Explorer 8 (32-bit), Firefox 3.5

Level 2 Web browsers

Level 2 Web browsers provide basic functionality so that users can both read and write in SharePoint sites and perform basic site administration. However, because ActiveX controls are supported only in level 1 browsers and functionality is different between browsers, level 2 browsers might provide a different user experience than level 1 browsers provide. Level 2 browsers include those in the following table.

Apple Mac OS X Snow Leopard : Apple Safari 4. x, Mozilla Firefox 3.5

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 : Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8 (64-bit)

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 : Internet Explorer 8 (64-bit)

UNIX/Linux 8.1 : Firefox 3.5
(Note : Some ActiveX features, such as list Datasheet view and the control that displays user presence information, do not work in Mozilla Firefox 3.5)

Note : Older browsers — such as Internet Explorer 6.x and Internet Explorer for Macintosh are not supported by Microsoft.


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